Make the most out of your website traffic by optimizing your social proof.

Find your best reviews with A/B testing

  • Test between different widgets.
  • See which reviews work the best.
  • Maximize your website’s sales potential.

Start your 14-day free trial now.

Optimize your website by A/B testing your reviews and widgets.

All testimonials, reviews, and lead generation forms are not born equal.

To figure out what really works on your website, you need to run some tests on your site.

A/B and multivariate tests

  • With Trustmary you can A/B test different testimonial, review, and lead gen widgets and figure out what works and what doesn’t.
  • You can also run different tests for new visitors, returning visitors, or for example, people coming from a specific UTM campaign.
video review widget on your website

You might learn something surprising

Here’s what customers say about Trustmary


Would you like to optimize your social proof and maximize your website’s potential?

Start A/B-testing today!


What is A/B testing?

A/B testing is a method where two versions of content (such as a web page) are created, and traffic is divided equally between them. During the test period, we measure how many visitors visited each page, and how many of them completed a desired action, such as a purchase or a form submission. In the end, we will know if one of the pages has generated better results.

Why should I A/B test my website?

When you conduct an A/B test, you will learn if one version of the web page generates better results, and you can implement the changes. It means you can potentially get more sales from your website. Imagine how many opportunities you would lose if you settle with the current state of your website when a simple change could generate more sales!

What can I test?

With Trustmary, you can test different Trustmary widgets against each other, or widgets against a page with no widgets at all.

What does it cost to A/B test reviews?

A/B testing is included in the Trustmary Automate plan which costs $250 a month. You have a free 14-day trial to test it out first.

Do I get help?

Absolutely! Our Customer Success team is there for you, and you will get a consultation and help setting up the A/B test.